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Southern Mountain Rifle

The Southern Mountain Rifles are an iconic late flintlock period rifle. More were made during the percussion era but there were quite a few made during the end of the flintlock era. from the 1820's into the 1850's these rifles had their place on the frontier in Southern Mountains. This rifle is not a copy of any specific rifle, but my interpretation from a few rifles from the Tennessee and North Carolina area. The Stock is a beautiful piece of Curly Maple finished with a homemade Ferric Nitrate with period wrought iron dissolved in it. the barrel is a 42 inch 3/4 inch strait Octagon barrel in .40 caliber made by Rice. The lock is a modified Chambers Late Ketland lock. modified a L&R trigger mechanism to better suit a southern rifle. The iconic  banana style patch-box of these style rifles complements the but stock of the rifle. The nose cap is carved into the wood and was cast in pewter in place on the rifle in style of a rifle from NC.


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